• Our DEDICATED Team

Our Team

At Olidia Pathways, our team members take pride in their work because they believe all patients deserve quality service, allied with compassion.


t Olidia Pathways, our Team is Dedicated to Excellence in Patient care At Olidia Pathways, we build our team from the ground up.
Our care managers are experts at coordinating care with all senior care service providers, agencies, physicians and hospitals.
They set up interviews with care providers and act as advocates to insure the best possible choice for the patient.

Team Members are also part of an on-going continuing education process. Our team members take pride in their work because they believe that our clients deserve quality service, allied with compassion, when it comes to providing homecare.

Email: olidiapathways@gmail.com 
Phone: (612) 470-7667


Our team is comprised of full-time, highly trained, dedicated employees who work around the clock to provide patients with a proactive, professional approach to patient homecare 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Our Customer Care Specialists understand that the initial assessment of each client is also the starting point on a successful path to case management.
The process begins by carefully reviewing all aspects of an incoming client’s needs before coordinating a well-designed sequence of care, ensuring every client’s requirements are handled accurately and professionally. Our communication with clients, caregivers, primary care physicians, and case managers is always handled in a positive and professional manner

Our team of qualified and experienced case managers has the knowledge, expertise, tools and compassion necessary to support and advocate for our clients in the transition process and stabilization in the community.

Our Registered Nurses and Social Workers are professionally trained to work with aging adults and chronically ill persons. Our Care Managers are experienced advocates capable of managing complex situations and finding creative solutions for our clients.

Our team strive to become a valuable resource for families looking for support and guidance finding resources for their aging loved ones.


Before working with Olidia Pathways, aspiring caregivers go through a comprehensive hiring process.